
  • The following settings only affect the CamCtrl I2C.
    (Information about the CamCtrl can be found here: CamCtrl)


Mode Channel

  • The channel that is to be used for the Trigger and REC function is set under Mode Channel.

    The channel set here should be assigned to a triple switch on the remote control.
    The switch positions are then:

    • Switch OFF

      • Function aus
    • Switch centered

      • Function Trigger (the connected camera will trigger once)
    • Switch ON

      • Function REC ON

  • Info:
    If the 3-way switch is set to the middle position, a trigger signal is output
    => a photo is taken.
    If you have assigned an additional button with an extra channel on the remote control to
    Out 1 Timing you can use it to trigger the camera further.
    Important: The triple switch then remains in the middle position.

Zoom Channel

  • The channel that is to be used for the "Zoom" function is set under Zoom Channel.

    The channel set here should be assigned to a slider on the remote control.
    The positions are then:

    • slider centered

      • no Zoom
    • slider from the middle position to the left

      • zoom IN
    • slider from the middle position to the right

      • zoom OUT


    A small adjustment from the middle position lets the camera zoom slowly,
    a large adjustment makes the camera zoom faster. To interrupt the zoom process, the potentiometer must be brought back to the middle position.

Connecting the CamCtrl I2C

Connection to FlightCtrl V3.0

Connection to NaviCtrl V2.1


If you use a GimbalCtrl you can set the channels for Nick and Roll under Camera => Servo control.

Yaw Channel

  • If you use a 3-axis gimbal, the channel for yawing the gimbal can be set here under Yaw Channel.

Out1 / Out2

  • The GimbalCtrl includes 2 switching outputs with different functions.

    Under Out1 and Out2 you can assign a free channel to use this switching outputs.

    More information about the switching outputs can be found here: => GimbalCtrl