
Info / Download

  • Firmware-2.22
    Release date: Dezember 2020

    License: LICENSE.TXT


    Here the current software version can be downloaded:

    V2.22 - Software + MikroKopter Tool
    (ZIP Archive)

    Bitte für ein Update das MKUSB verwenden !!!

    {i} old FlightControls until V2.0 (with 644 Processor) are only supported until 2.12

    How to update?

    Never made an update? A description of how to do this can be found here: SoftwareUpdate


NC 2.22a

  • Possibility to send the HomePosition via 's'-Command (Type = 5) * only with license

  • WAYPOINT-EVENT = 255 -> Cameratrigger continously ON (or OFF -> Depends on the IDLE-Bit)

  • NMEA Input for external GNSS-Systems (RTK-GPS etc.)
  • parse NMEA Data into GPS-Coordinates
  • Fly with NMEA GPS Data possible
  • Autotrigger everx x-Meters can be used without RC and without BL
  • Repeat the WP-List x times (SETTINGS.INI)
  • Logfile: <LaserAltCorr> correction, uncorrected value <\LaserAltCorr>

  • Send compass-value to Gimbalcontrol for better Yaw stability and drift compensation
  • Yaw Value of the Gimbal is now the compass-direction of the gimbal
  • GimbalCtrl compatiblity changed --> Needs GimbalCtrl V1.04

  • show ControllerID
  • internal resolution of Baro altitude changed from 5cm to 10cm to allow Waypoint flight > 1600m

  • Maximum altitude for Waypoints is now 3200m above starting point
  • Altimeter Setpoint in dm
  • Bugfix: Max-Altitude in simulation
  • Bugfix: NaviData.Variometer in simulation

  • Altimeter in data protocol to KopterTool now in Meters [m] instead of [5cm] -> still compatible to old tools (FLAG_ALTIMETER_M)

  • new Parameters for Laser
  • Bugfix: if WPL-Files with old Version 3 are loaded from SD-Card, -1 is now a valid camera angle and 121 is 'AUTO'
  • Bugfix: WPL Fileversion now '4' if written by NC to SD-Card
  • Bugfix: PointList[i].CamAngle is now a s8 instead u8 if written by NC to SD-Card

  • if compiled as Follow-Me Transmitter: 121 is 'AUTO' -> warning old Follow-Me transmitter won't set the camaera angles correctly

FC 2.22a

  • Altitude correction by Laser altimeter -> follows the terrrain

  • WAYPOINT-EVENT = 255 -> Cameratrigger continously ON (or OFF -> Depends on the IDLE-Bit)

  • GPS-Fix Character from NEMA in HoTT-LCD
  • New Error Message "47:Ext.GPS Fix lost"
  • Delete all settings if using Parameterset 6
  • Altitude in dm to NC
  • Baro Altitude corrected and resolution of CalAthmospheare increased

  • new Parameters for Laser in the settings
  • Laser Sensor value in Jeti menu

Reminder: Starting and stopping the engines

{i} As a reminder: Since SW-Version 2.00 you have to press both sticks in the corners.

Reason: There were just too many cases where the engines were switched off in flight.]