

The "MK-GNSS V4 + compass" is a new GPS-receiver with integrated compass.

Also new are a master and a slave connection.
So you can use the MK-GNSS single or with redundant electronic in your MikroKopter.

Beside the usual American GPS satellites, the European Galileo system, the Russian Glonas satellite systems or the Chinese BeiDou satellite systems can be received.

For suppressing external interference sources (e.g. video systems), the GPS receiver has been equipped with an RF preamplifier, and a SAW RF Filter.

The MK-GPS is required for functions like

All functions that you can use with the navigation system on your MikroKopter, are described here: MK-Funktion

  • INFO:
    You can use the MK-GNSS V4 only with a MikroKopter Software from version V2.18!

    You have to clear the old "SETTINGS.INI" on the microSD-card in your copter.
    A new "SETTINGS.INI" with the right settings for the new MK-GNSS will be created automatically.

Technical data

  • Weight: 29g (MK-GNSS V4 include GPS Shield)
  • Dimensions: 90 x 90mm (Hole distanced: 44,6mm x 44,6mm)
  • Voltage: 5V (is supplied by FlightCtrl/NaviCtrl)

  • The latest UBlox technology
  • Twin compass system
  • LEDs for status display
  • Redundant configuration
  • Integrated RF preamplifier
  • Integrated Integrated SAW RF Filter
  • GPS
  • Glonass
  • Galileo
  • BeiDou

  • Japanese QZSS system
  • incl. GPS Shield for improved reception


Connect the MK-GNSS via the Molex-connection "Master-GPS" and "Master-Compass" with your FlightCtrl V3.0.

If your MikroKopter use a redundant electronic you can connect the Molex-connection "Slave-GPS" and
"Slave-Compass" with the second "Slave"-FlightCtrl V3.0.

If you use an older hardware with single FlightCtrl / NaviCtrl on your copter you can connect the
"Master - GPS" with your NaviCtrl.

If your MikroKopter use a redundant electronic you can connect the Molex-connection "Slave-GPS" with the second "Slave"-NaviCtrl.

The connection "Master-Compass" and "Slave-Compass" is here not needed because the NaviCtrl use her own compass.

Satellite selection

With the MK-GNSS you can receive the satellite systems GPS, Glonass, Galileo, BeiDou and the Japanese QZSS_system.

So you have much more satellites for a much better navigation (especially in areas with inadequate GPS coverage).

In the "SETTINGS.INI" on your microSD-card you can set which satellite you want to use.
With a text editor, this file can be opened and edited.

Via he value for GPS_SYSTEM_CFG you can change the receiving:

  • 1 = GPS + Glonass + Galileo (Default)
  • 2 = GPS + BeiDou

  • 3 = GPS
  • 4 = Glonass
  • 5 = BeiDou

  • 6 = GPS + Glonass
  • 7 = Galileo

In addition, the Japanese QZSS_system can be activated / deactivated via GPS_QZSS_DGPS_ON :

  • 0 = OFF (Default)
  • 1 = ON

GPS Info

Via the KopterTool you can see:

  • the current GPS deviation (the copter should be at the bottom)
    • {i} the center position can be moved by right-clicking with the mouse

  • the current signal strength of the satellite
    (Note: outside at least one satellite should have 50dB signal strength.
    A GPS-Shield is recommended for a better reception.)

  • Position of the satellites in the sky:
    • light-green satellites: Satellite is used with SBAS-correction data for the navigation
    • dark-green satellites: Satellite is used without SBAS-correction data for the navigation
    • turquoise satellites: Satellite is not used yet for navigation
    • red satellites: signal is bad or Satellite is not useable
    • lila satellites: transmits SBAS-correction data

GPS Navigation-Satellites have the letter "G", SBAS-Satellites "S".
The number is the ID of the satellite (PRN Code).
Details about the satellite is also be shown by moving the mouse over the satellite.

/!\ Note: If that is in use, the KopterTool directly accesses the GPS module and the NaviCtrl reports "Error: No GPS Communication"

Calibrate Compass


Check the calibration


From software version 2.02a (FlightCtrl/NaviCtrl) we can also send the NMEA signal from the UBlox GPS.
If you use a camera with integrated data logging you can use this data to save the position data n the pictures.

You can get the NMEA signal on the contacts PIN9 (TxD) + PIN7 (GND) of your serial output (FlightCtrl V3) or Debug port (NaviCtrl). The data records RMC & GGA are sent with 57600 Baud '(default) / TTL (5V).


To send the NMEA signal via PIN9 you need a microSD card (max. 2GB/FAT16) in your FlightCtrl V3 / NaviCtrl.

On this microSD card you find the file "SETTINGS.INI". You can open and change this file via an editor.
The output interval of the NMEA signal is set with the parameter NMEA_INTERVAL.

  • # NMEA Output interval in ms (0 = disabled)

By default, the output is disabled (NMEA_INTERVAL = 0)
If you need a signal e.g. every 500ms set here a "500" (NMEA_INTERVAL = 500)

The output is 57600 baud. From SW-Version 2.20 you can change the output speed
under "# Baudrate for the PC-UART".

    If you change the baud in your SETTINGS.INI all data will be send in this speed !!!
    So if you use e.g. a wireless connection between Copter <-> PC you also have to change here the speed!

  • INFO:
    If there is no Parameter "# NMEA Output interval in ms" in your SETTINGS.INI, delete the "SETTINGS.ini" on your microSD card. After you power up the copter the Software on your copter will create a new "SETTINGS.INI" with the needed parameters.

Check output

If you set a NMEA_INTERVAL in your SETTINGS.INI, you can check the output data in the terminal window of your KopterTool.

For this "click" the button [-> NaviCtrl] in your KopterTool and then the
button [Firmware update & Terminal] to open the terminal window.
Here you should now see some data like this:


In these examples the connection is described:

Serial - FlightCtrl V3.0

Debug - NaviCtrl

More informations about NMEA

More informations about NMEA format you can find here: