
Info / Download

In some countries only copters with a redundant structure are permitted (e.g. Austria).
Our electronics allow the redundant construction of a MikroKopter.

Redundancy means that important components must be replaceable. With the MikroKopter, the flight control, the motor control, the receiver side and the battery supply can be designed redundantly.

To increase security, the master and slave FlightCtrl V3 are connected to each other via CAN bus. All functions are monitored and malfunctions are detected at lightning speed in the event of a fault.

If, for example, the flight control fails, the control is transferred to the slave unit and the copter can be flown back safely.

With our redundant electronics, Austro Control / Austria achieved approval up to the highest requirement category "D". !

  • The required redundant software including the matching KopterTool can be downloaded here: Download


  • We have described the function of the redundant system in a video here:

Needed Hardware/Software


For the redundant construction of an OktoKopter is required:

INFO: With the FlightCtrl V3.0 and the redundant MK GPS, in addition to the control electronics, the GPS system / compass has also been designed redundantly


If the redundant system is used, the master and slave FlightCtrl require special software.
The current software including the matching KopterTool can be downloaded from our "download area" (see above).

For the software update you connect the MKUSB to the respective FlightCtrl.

  • The "REDUNDANT_MASTER" software is imported into the Master-FlightCtrl:

    • Flight-Ctrl_MEGA1284p_V2_xxx_REDUNDANT_MASTER.hex
    • Navi-Ctrl_STR9_V2_xxx.hex

The '''"REDUNDANT_SLAVE"''' software is imported into the '''Slave'''-!FlightCtrl
  • Flight-Ctrl_MEGA1284p_V2_xxx_REDUNDANT_SLAVE.hex
  • Navi-Ctrl_STR9_V2_xxx.hex

Information on installing the software can be found here: Link

The structure

The assembly of the individual components is illustrated here.


The electronics are built on top of each other for easy cabling.
A damper is installed at the bottom to decouple it from the frame.
The rest of the structure is assembled with plastic spacers:

Okto distributor

The wiring is carried out as shown in the pictures.
On the left you can see the "Okto XL V3 - Combi" distributor, on the right the "Double Quadro V3 - Cool" distributor.

IMPORTANT: Only with the double Quadro V3 - Cool distributor, the middle 3 cables of the 5-pin supply cable to the slave FlightCtrl have to be cut / removed !!!
If this is not done, the motor controller will be actuated incorrectly !!!


The master and slave FlightCtrl must be set the same so that control is retained in the event of an error!

  • Master-FlightCtrl

    For the settings you connect the MKUSB (or a wireless connection) to the Master-FlightCtrl.
    The settings for the mixer and the channels can be made as usual. It is recommended to then copy the settings to all 5 settings (parameter sets) in the copter.

  • Slave-FlightCtrl
    Then connect the MKUSB (or a wireless connection) to the Slave-FlightCtrl.
    Here the settings for the mixer and the channels of the master FlightCtrl are now entered one to one in all 5 settings (parameter sets) of the slave FlightCtrl. Summary:

    • The mixer assignment of the master and slave FlightCtrl must match

    • The channel assignment of the master and slave FlightCtrl must match

    The redundant FlightCtrl listens to the same stick positions and, just like the main FC, goes into the states "Calibrate", "Start", "Stop"

If everything is correctly connected and set, an "R" can be seen in the telemetry display after the motors have started.

Function test


  • If the Slave-FlightCtrl is connected with the KopterTool, in the virtual display you see an "S" for Slave.

  • The green LED on your Slave-FlightCtrl is flashing fast

  • If you disconnect the Master-FlightCtrl (disconnect the Molex connector):

    • The green LED on your Slave-FlightCtrl is flashing fast PLUS the red LED is ON

    • On your BL-Ctrl the green LED is still ON, the red LED is still OFF


  • If the Master-FlightCtrl is connected with the KopterTool, in the virtual display you see an "M" for Master.


  • After starting the motors via the transmitter, in the telemetry you see an "R"
    -> this means that the redundancy is active

    • Graupner HOTT -> MK-Telemetrie

    • Jeti -> Jeti-Box

    • KopterTool -> virtual display NaviCtrl


  • During flight the copter record a LOG file with all telemetry data.

    • Here you can also see if the redundancy was active:
    ((since V2.20) at the end of the LOG - open with Text-Editor)

  • In the LOG-File you can also see if it is from the Master- or Slave-FlightCtrl:
    (since V2.20)

Fault simulation

  • Two errors with redundancy can be simulated:

    • I2C error => Bus-failure of the Master-FlightCtrl

    • Motor failure

    If an motor fails, only the OktoCopter (8 engines) can compensate for this safely.
    A HexaCopter (6 engines) can become unstable, a QuadroCopter (4 engines) crashes.

I2C error

  • To simulate this, a free channel on the transmitter is needed which is placed on a switch.
    This channel is set in the settings to the user parameter 7 (see Picture):

  • Function:

    • Switch OFF => Normal operation

      • All functions are controllable as usual - no error message
    • Switch ON => The I2C-Bus of your Master-FlightCtrl is deactivated

      • The complete control is transferred to the Slave-FlightCtrl

      • A beep will sound at the Master-FlightCtrl

      • In the telemetry you can see the error message "37:Redundancy test"
      • The copter can be controlled as usual

  • {i} Condition: The function is only activated if there is redundancy ('R' in the display).

  • /!\
    For this test place your MikroKopter (with running motors) on the ground. Now "Switch OFF -> deactivate the I2C-Bus.
    A beep will sound at the Master-FlightCtrl but the Motors will still run.
    Lifting off and flying with the redundant FC is possible.
    If this is OK, the test can also be carried out in flight.

    For normal operation, change the user parameter 7 back to "0" !!!

Engine failure

  • To simulate this, a free channel on the transmitter is needed which is placed on a switch.
    This channel is set in the settings to the user parameter 6 (see Picture):

  • Function:

    • Switch OFF => Normal operation

      • All functions are controllable as usual - no error message
    • Switch ON => Motor Nr.1 is deactivated

      • The complete control is transferred to the Slave-FlightCtrl

      • In the telemetry you can see the error message "37:Redundancy test"
      • The copter can be controlled as usual

  • {i} Condition: The function is only activated if there is redundancy ('R' in the display).
    If the I2C error was previously simulated, the motor failure will NOT be executed!

  • /!\
    For this test place your MikroKopter (with running motors) on the ground. Now "Switch OFF -> deactivate the Motor.
    Motor Nr. 1 is off, all other motors will still run.
    Lifting off and flying with the redundant FC is possible.
    If this is OK, the test can also be carried out in flight.

    For normal operation, change the user parameter 6 back to "0" !!!

    If an motor fails, only the OktoCopter (8 engines) can compensate for this safely.
    A HexaCopter (6 engines) can become unstable, a QuadroCopter (4 engines) crashes.

Anlage F Austro Control

If you want to allow your MikroKopter with redundancy in Austria, we have deposited information for this purpose: