
Info / Download

The SET-Wi.232 consists of a transmitter module for the PC and a receiver module for the MikroKopter. .
This can be used to establish a wireless connection between a Windows PC or a Android tablet to the MikroKopter.
(%Range >1000mtr)

Die Bodenstation kann per USB an den Computer/Tablet angeschlossen werden. Das Empfangsmodul wird an den MikroKopter angeschlossenen.

The connection

You can use the SET-Wi.232 with a Windows PC/Laptop/Tablet with a Windows PC/Laptop/Tablet and the MikroKopter-Tool.
With this program you can configure the MikroKopter, see the telemetry of your copter and plan also a waypoint flight.

Connection at the MikroKopter

The SET-Wi.232 includes the Wi.232 modul for your MikroKopter.
This Wi.232 receiver module will be connected via a 4 wire Molex cable with the Update - UART connector of your FlightCtrl V3.

Alternatively the Wi.232 receiver module can also be connected to the serial port of the FlightCtrl V3.
For this you have to solder a 10-pin post socket to the Wi.232 receiving module.
So you can use the module also on older hardware (such as FlightCtrl V2.x, NaviCtrl).

Connection at the PC

Connect the USB cable with the Wi.232 "USB" and your Windows-PC.
The LED on your Wi.232-Modul should now light up. Now Windows should install the needed FTDI driver and the COM port for the Wi.232 automatically

If the automatic driver installation by Windows fails, the FTDI driver can be downloaded and manually installed here:

Technical data / delivery


  • Wi.232 USB
  • Wi.232 Copter
  • USB cabel
  • Ribbon cable with 2x 10 pin post connector

Technical data:

  • Weight Wi.232 Modul USB => 9g

  • Weight Wi.232 Modul Kopter => 9g

  • Wi.232 => 868.225MHz / 25mW

  • Data => 9600 Baud / 8N1


The Wi.232 can be ordered with different channels:

  • EU Version
    • Channel 0 - ID 0 / 0-0-55 (antenna color => brown)

    • Channel 0 - ID 1 / 0-0-01 (antenna color => red)

    • Channel 1 - ID 0 / 1-1-66 (antenna color => black)

  • US Version
    • Channel 2 - ID 0 / 2-2-22 (903,023MHz) (antenna color => blueu)

    • Channel 4 - ID 0 / 4-4-44 (905,279MHz) (antenna color => green)
