= Enable GPS =
[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/MK-Tool/Setting/Navi-Ctrl2/EN_NaviCtrl2-small.jpg | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/MK-Tool/Setting/Navi-Ctrl2/EN_NaviCtrl2-small.jpg }} |target="_blank"]]
The "GPS" function can be activated / deactivated here. <
(See also [[en/MK-Parameter/Easy-SETUP|EasySetup|target="_blank"]])
== GPS Wind Correction ==
Cross winds can cause the actual flight direction to deviate.
Here a lead angle tries to minimize this deviation. <
The parameter controls the strength of this compensation. <
A value of 0 means that this function is switched off.
== ACC Compensation ==
Here it is determined how hard the !MikroKopter brakes in position hold mode when the nick / roll sticks are centered again.<
The higher this value, the more the MK brakes according to manual controls before it holds the target position.
== Max. Flying Range ==
This value defines a circular area around the starting position in meters. <
If you fly manually without GPS and exceed the distance set here, you will receive a <
corresponding error message via telemetry (only Graupner HoTT or Jeti).<
If you fly in dPH-GPS mode, this limit cannot be exceeded. The copter stops at the set flight radius.<
A value of 0 (default) means that this function is switched off and you can fly as far as the radio range of the remote control allows.<
'''Waypoint flight:''' <
The flight radius for a waypoint flight depends on the license on your copter. <
Without a license you have a WP flight radius of maximum 250m around the starting point.<
With a license you have a WP flight radius of 1000m (or more) around the starting point.<
Waypoints can only be set and approached for the possible flight radius.<
If this function is deactivated (0), waypoints can be flown to within the maximum possible license radius.
== GPS Angle Limit ==
Limits the maximum control influences of the GPS. A value of 100 roughly corresponds to a maximum inclination of 20 °.<
If the value is too small, the MK may not come up against the wind and drift. <
If the value is too large, the approach to the target will take place too quickly.
== PositionHold Login time ==
This is the maximum time after which the !MikroKopter logs in the new position after the sticks for Nick / Roll are in neutral position again.
== Dynamic PositionHold (dPH) ==
This function can be activated or deactivated here.
* Enabled => If ''Dynamic !PositionHold'' is __enabled__ and the 3-was Switch for GPS is centered, the copter is also flying under GPS when you move the Nick/Roll sticks.
Here the copter is controlled by moving the GPS coordinates to a new position when <
the nick / roll stick is moved. This enables a more precise positioning even in wind. <
The Kopter flies to the positions a little bit slower. <
* Disabled => If ''Dynamic !PositionHold'' is __disabled__, and the 3-was Switch for GPS is centered, the copter is flying manual when you move the Nick/Roll sticks.
The copter (the motors) is controlled directly by moving the nick / roll stick.<
The function PH is deactivated as soon as the sticks are moved. <
If both sticks are centered again, the PH function is automatically reactivated.<
(See also [[en/MK-Parameter/Easy-SETUP#Dynamic_PositionHold|EasySetup]])
= ComingHome =
== ComingHome Altitude ==
The height set here (in meters) applies to flying back when the [[en/Features/ComingHome|ComingHome]] function is activated. <
After activating the !ComingHome function, the !MikroKopter automatically flies back to the starting point.<
(a GPS satellite fix must be available!). <
During the return flight he takes the altitude set here and 'parks' when he reaches the '!HomePosition' at this height.<
During the return flight, the set altitude is approached at 3m / sec - this cannot be changed!
The following applies: <
0: OFF -> the current height of the copter is retained on the return flight.<
1-247: Value in meters -> this height is approached immediately when !ComingHome (CH) is activated at 3m / sec.
{{{#!wiki caution
The altitude: <
- is only flown to with the ''!AltitudeHold'' function switched on ~-(in ''Vario altitude control'' mode)-~. <
- and the throttle stick __must__ be centered.
== ComingHome Orientation ==
The orientation of the copter on the !ComingHome return flight can be set here: <
* no change
* Front to home point
* Rear to home point
* Alignment like at the start
= Gain altitude ... =
If this function is activated, the Kopter rises straight up to 20m on the spot when starting the WP flight.<
Only then will it fly directly to the height / position of the first waypoint.
= Single WP =
== Single WP Control Channel ==
A free channel that is assigned a 3-way switch on the remote control can be entered here.<
During a flight, a single waypoint can be saved or loaded directly via the remote control.<
The function: <
* 3-way Switch - position center => No function
* 3-way Switch - position OFF => "STORE"
* the current position, height, orientation of the copter is saved in a separate single waypoint in the copter.
* 3-way Switch - position ON => "LOAD"
* the saved waypoint is loaded
The automatic departure of the waypoint takes place as with normal waypoint flight => [[de/MikroKopterTool-OSD/WaypointRun#Wegpunkteflug_ausf.2BAPw-hren|Ab "Schritt 2"]]
'''INFO:''' <
The waypoints saved in this way are overwritten when you switch to "STORE" again
== Next WP Channel ==
A free channel that is assigned a push button on the remote control can be entered here.<
Depending on the position of the 3-way switch under '' "Single WP Control Channel" '', further waypoints can be saved / loaded (max. 99 WP).<
The function: <
* 3-way Switch - position center + push the button once => No function
* 3-way Switch - position OFF => "STORE" => the first waypoint is saved
* + push the button => the second waypoint is saved
* + push the button => the third waypoint is saved
* ...
* 3-way Switch - position OFF ON => "LOAD" => the first waypoint is loaded
* + push the button => the second waypoint is loaded
* + push the button => the third waypoint is loaded
* ...
== Single WP Geschw. ==
Hier kann entweder eine feste Zahl (x 0,1m/s) oder ein "Poti" eingetragen werden.<
Die hier eingestellte Geschwindigkeit gilt für einen Wegpunkteflug, bei dem die Wegpunkte über den Sender (HoTT oder Jeti) per Telemetrie gespeichert wurden ~-(siehe ''"Single WP Control Channel"'' / ''"Nächster WP Channel"'')-~. <
Alternativ zur festen Geschwindigkeit (per Zahl) kann über ein Potentiometer am Sender die Geschwindigkeit manuell gewählt werden. <
= Fail Sink-Radius =
Hier kann ein maximaler "Sicherheits" Flugradius in Meter eingetragen werden.<
Wird dieser Radius überschritten, geht der Kopter an Ort und Stelle automatisch in die Landung über.<
~-(nur mit kommerzieller Lizenz möglich)-~ <
''Dieser Radius ist z.B. in Frankreich bei kommerzieller Nutzung gefordert.''
Tip: <
Der ''Max. Flugradius'' sollte kleiner gewählt werden als der ''Fail Sink-Radius''. <
So hält der Kopter dann bei dem eingestellten max. Flugradius an.<
Sollte der Kopter dann dennoch den zweiten ''Fail Sink-Radius'' erreichen (z.B. durch starke Windböen etc.), landet der Kopter dann automatisch an Ort und Stelle.