Additional mixers can be downloaded from the following wiki page: '''[[mkm|Mixer Tabellen]]'''
{{{#!wiki tip
'''Info:''' <
By default, a Quadro mixer table (4 motors) is loaded. <
If you have a copter with more motors (Hexa, Okto, ...), only BL-Ctrl 1-4 are<
recognized with this mixer and an error message is output. <
The red LED on the unrecognized BL-Ctrl also lights up permanently.<
After loading and saving the correct mixer, the error message is gone and the red LED on the unrecognized BL-Ctrl is off.
= Orientation =
[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/MK-Tool/Setting/Mixer-SETUP/DE_MixerSETUP-Auswahl.jpg | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/MK-Tool/Setting/Mixer-SETUP/DE_MixerSETUP-Auswahl.jpg }} |target="_blank"]]
Normally the !FlightCtrl points with the arrow in the direction of flight ~-(red rigger)-~. <
To change the orientation of the copter (e.g. from "+" to "X"), the !FlightCtrl must be mounted with the arrow in the new flight direction.<
~-'''To avoid possible errors during flight, the !FlightCtrl should always be mounted with the arrow in the direction of flight.'''-~
[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/Kopter/Mixer/Flugrichtung1.jpg | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/Kopter/Mixer/Flugrichtung1.jpg }} |target="_blank"]]<
If a proper assembly of the !FlightCtrl is not possible, the orientation can now be set with the ''Orientation''. The two green arrows change the orientation in 15 ° steps. <
In this example, the !FlightCtrl is aligned with the boom 1. The direction of flight was set here by ''orientation'' between boom 1 + 3.<
[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/Kopter/Mixer/Flugrichtung2.jpg | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/Kopter/Mixer/Flugrichtung2.jpg }} |target="_blank"]]
'''Info:''' <
* This selection is __NOT__ global -> you can set them differently in the 5 settings.
* This function is also available without !NaviCtrl.
* the camera inclination of the camera gimbal remains related to the arrow of the FC and does not rotate. <
(The camera bracket can be adjusted in the '''[[en/MK-Parameter/Camera|Kamera]]''' configuration parameter)
* Info: Loopings do not work if the direction is reversed.
= Mixer =
[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/MK-Tool/Setting/Mixer-SETUP/DE_MixerSETUP-Mixer.jpg | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/MK-Tool/Setting/Mixer-SETUP/DE_MixerSETUP-Mixer.jpg }} |target="_blank"]]
The values for the loaded mixer are displayed in the mixer table.<
It is normally not necessary to change the values.<
= Own mixer =
If you have your own frame construction for your copter and cannot find a suitable mixer, <
you can also create your own mixers in the mixer table.<
The newly manufactured mixer should then be given its own mixer name under ''Name''. <
The new mixer is then saved on the computer using the ''Save'' button.<
A suitable graphic (BMP-image - 230x230 Pixel) can also be displayed for the new mixer table. <
This graphic must then have the same name as the entry under "Name".<
[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/Kopter/Mixer/Mixer-Name.jpg?m=1580286684 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/Kopter/Mixer/Mixer-Name.jpg?m=1580286684 }} |target="_blank"]]
Example: <
* Name: __Test__
* Test.mkm
* __Test__.bmp ~-(copied to the "!KopterTool" folder)-~
The individual engine forces for engines 1-16 are broken down into four parts: Gas / Nick / Roll / Gier <
__The following applies:__ <
* Adjustable value from 0 (0%) to 125 (195%)
* '''A value of 64 corresponds to 100%'''<
~-(If e.g. an engine should get a maximum of 75% gas, 48 would be entered)-~<
* An engine is __active__ if the "Gas" column contains a value greater than 0.<
__INFO:__ <
100% motor power (64) should always be entered as standard values. <
* A higher performance (e.g. 110% = 71) may with an X-design for the lower motors. The upper motors receive 100% (64).
* If a motor is on the center of the Nick or Roll axis, a 0 is entered as the value
When setting, there is a ''positive'' and ''negative'' area for nick, roll and greed.<
The !FlightCtrl forms the middle between the positive and negative areas.<
The values are then entered in the table with positive ~-(64)-~ or negative ~-(-64)-~ values.<
The graphic explains how the shares of nick, roll and greed are distributed: <
{{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/Kopter/Mixer/Mixer-set-350.jpg }}<
Here are two examples of an octo mixer in the "+" and "X" directions: <
__Mixer for "X" direction__<
* Nick-axis
* The motors in the __positive range__ get a __positive number__, those in the __negative range__ a __negative number__
* Roll-axis
* The motors in the __positive range__ get a __positive number__, those in the __negative range__ a __negative number__
* Gier-axis
* The motors with __positive rotation__ get a __positive number__, those with __negative rotation__ a __negative number__
[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/Kopter/Mixer/Mixer-Kopter-Okto.jpg | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/resizes/intern/Kopter/Mixer/Mixer-Kopter-Okto.jpg }} |target="_blank"]]
__Mixer for "+" direction__<
* Nick-axis
* The motors in the __positive range__ get a __positive number__, those in the __negative range__ a __negative number__n
* The motors __on the axis__ get a __0__
* Roll-axis
* The motors in the __positive range__ get a __positive number__, those in the __negative range__ a __negative number__
* The motors __on the axis__ get a __0__
* Gier-axis
* The motors with __positive rotation__ get a __positive number__, those with __negative rotation__ a __negative number__n
[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/Kopter/Mixer/Mixer-Kopter-Okto2.jpg | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/resizes/intern/Kopter/Mixer/Mixer-Kopter-Okto2.jpg }} |target="_blank"]]
[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/MK-Tool/Setting/Mixer-SETUP/EN_MixerSETUP-OK.jpg | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/MK-Tool/Setting/Mixer-SETUP/EN_MixerSETUP-OK.jpg }} |target="_blank"]]
'''__Balance of power__'''<
The '''balance of the controls''' is important.<
The sum of the individual columns Nick, Roll and Yaw must always be 0.<
If the entries in the column are correct, this is indicated with a green "OK" symbol.<
~-Example with a Quadro - column Nick: <
* (64) + (-64) + (64) + (-64) = 0 -> Correct balancing of the axis
* (64) + (-64) + (54) + (-64) = -10 -> Wrong axis compensation-~ <