#acl AdminGroup:read,write,revert EditorsGroup:read,write,revert All:read ############################################################################## ############################################################################## ## DE-EN_Sprachflaggen {{{#!wiki language_selector/de [[ de/Features/WaypointAutomatic | {{ http://www.mikrokopter.de/addons/shared_addons/themes/mk3/img/flag_ger.png }}]] }}} ########################################################################### <
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> = Info = If a photo camera is carried on the !MikroKopter, this can e.g. be triggered via : * a [[en/ShutterCable|ShutterCable|target="_blank"]] connected to the switching output ''__Out1__'' <
> * a [[en/CamCtrl|CamCtrl "I2C"|target="_blank"]] connected to ''__I2C__'' <
> * a [[en/CamCtrl|CamCtrl "Servo"|target="_blank"]] or [[en/IR-Ctrl|IR-Ctrl|target="_blank"]] connected to the ''__servo output 3 or 4__'' The camera can then be triggered __manually__ via the remote control. In order for the camera to be triggered automatically during a waypoint flight or all "X" meters (distance / altitude), we need the ''WP-Automatic''. <
> To use this function, only a few settings are necessary. ################################################################################ <
> ---- = WP-Automatik = ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Bild rechts {{{#!html
}}} [[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/MK-Tool/Setting/Output/WP-Auto-EN.jpg?m=1544612499 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/MK-Tool/Setting/Output/WP-Auto-EN.jpg?m=1544612499 }} |target="_blank" ]] {{{#!html
}}} ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <
> The ''WP-Automatic'' is linked to switching output '''Out1'''. In order to be able to use the function, two requirements must be met: <
> 1. Switching output ''Out1'' must be linked to the ''WP event''. <
> - To do this, check the ''__[combine with WP-Event]__'' box <
> ~-(See picture) -~ 2. The ''WP-Automatic'' function is activated via ''Out1 Timing''. <
> The channel present here must be half switched to activate the ''WP-Automatic''. ################################################################################ <
> ---- = Switch or button = A triple switch or a button can be used on the remote control for photo triggering. == 3-way switch == If a 3-way switch is used, these 3 switch positions can be used directly for the functions '' OFF - WP-Automatic - Trigger ''. [[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/SchalterPoti/WP-Auto-3fach.jpg?m=1544084140 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/SchalterPoti/WP-Auto-3fach.jpg?m=1544084140 }} |target="_blank" ]] During a waypoint flight, this switch can then be switched to the middle position to automatically trigger photos. <
> == Button == If you use a button on the remote control, it only knows two switching states -> ''OFF - ON''. [[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/SchalterPoti/Schalter-Trigger.jpg?m=1544084109 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/SchalterPoti/Schalter-Trigger.jpg?m=1544084109 }} |target="_blank" ]] So that the channel used by the button is also switched ''halfway'', the relevant channel must be set in the remote control. <
> In the remote control, the servo travel for this channel is limited on the negative side. ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Bild rechts {{{#!html
}}} [[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/HoTT/Display1/HoTT-Men%C3%BC-Servoeinst-DE.jpg?m=1544605484 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/HoTT/Display1/HoTT-Men%C3%BC-Servoeinst-DE.jpg?m=1544605484 }} |target="_blank" ]] [[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/HoTT/Display1/HoTT-Men%C3%BC-ServoWeg-DE.jpg?m=1544605486 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/HoTT/Display1/HoTT-Men%C3%BC-ServoWeg-DE.jpg?m=1544605486 }} |target="_blank" ]] {{{#!html
}}} ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <
> With a Graupner HoTT remote control, this is set in the ''Servo settings'' menu. Here you change to the channel used and set the negative value to "0" ~ - (in our example Ch10) - ~. <
> After this setting, the channel is permanently switched ''__half__'' => so the Function ''WP-Automatik'' is every time active. <
> When the button is pressed, switching output ''Out1'' is switched manually => you trigger the camera manually [[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/SchalterPoti/WP-Auto-2fach_2.jpg?m=1544084140 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/SchalterPoti/WP-Auto-2fach_2.jpg?m=1544084140 }} |target="_blank" ]] ################################################################################ <
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