#acl AdminGroup:read,write,revert EditorsGroup:read,write,revert All:read
## DE-EN_Sprachflaggen
{{{#!wiki language_selector/de
[[ StartSeite | {{ http://www.mikrokopter.de/addons/shared_addons/themes/mk3/img/flag_ger.png }}]]
## News (linke Seite)
'''New [[en/Software_MikroKopter_V2_22.zip|Firmware V2.22]]''' <
- Altitude correction by Laser altimeter -> follows the terrrain <
- Saving of all 5 memory locations in the copter at the same time<
- New YAW adaptation of the !GimbalCtrl for !AlexMos control <
(!GimbalCtrl need the latest SW V1.04 [[en/GimbalCtrl|Link]])<
- Some changes<
You want to participate in the ''!MikroKopter Beta software program'' <
and help to improve !MikroKopter software? <
Then you will find the necessary information here: [[en/Beta|BETA-Software]]
## Link FC V3 / Flyer (rechte Seite)
||'''!FlightCtrl V3.0''' ||'''Brochure'''||
||[[de/FlightCtrl_V3.0|{{http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/resizes/tech/FC_30_150x100_b.jpg?m=1455789534}}]]||[[http://files.mikrokopter.de/DE_mk8_flyer.pdf|{{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/PDF/flyerbutton2.png?m=1415878822 }}]]||
## Navigation (Balken)
{{{#!wiki MK_Nav
## Navigation
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## Überschrift Video (Balken)
{{{#!wiki MK_Nav
||Video - Solar||
## Video + Solarsturm
||<> ||'''Solar storm activity__'''<
>Geomagnetic Field: <
>[[http://www.n3kl.org/sun/images/noaa_kp_3d.gif?|{{http://www.n3kl.org/sun/images/kpstatus.gif}}]] <
>Solar X-rays: <
>~-If one of the displays is "YELLOW" or "RED", <
>the GPS and compass may interfere! -~ ||
Here you can find the old Wiki with more Infos and Details also for older PCBs: <